Meditations and Prayers of Opening
You are invited to participate in a circle of ongoing meditation, prayer
and blessing for the unfolding on kindness on Planet Earth


This song is approximately three minutes long and the blessing verse repeats three times. — Lyrics by Dennis Rivers. AI voices by Night Sky Stock Video by Vecteezy. This exploration of AI choirs is a work in progress, and I apologize for occasional mispronunciations. (DR)   (View as single page showing just this video.)

An Infinite Green Compassion vision of eternal life
As long as there is Life,
Among the many Worlds and Stars,
May I be endlessly reborn,
To serve the cause of Love unfolding,
To be the hands of Love made visible.

We invite you ring the Blessing Bell Imagine that your heart is a bell, capable of sending a beautiful message around the world and across the Universe. With the message in your heart of “May every heart be filled with infinite kindness” (or any similarly expansive thought of blessing) click the play button below to ring the bell.



Welcome to the Earth Prayer Meditation Room.

We invite you to begin or deepen your life of blessing, today.
And we especially invite you to join us
in affirming the meditative prayers offered below,
at the turn of each hour of every day (or as often as the Spirit moves you)
in reciting as many or as few of the verses as feels right to you,
in repeating the verses to which you are especially drawn,
in composing and praying your own meditative prayers
of opening and connecting, of blessing and commitment,
in the spirit of what is offered here,
or praying similar prayers from your own spiritual tradition.

We have no idea how many people are participating each hour
and most likely will never know.  You are free to imagine
as many dozens or thousands or millions as you wish.
Our first meditation companions, for each of us, are the
sixty to one hundred trillion cells of our own bodies.

Five Wings of the Heart
A gallery of mandalas exploring the dimensions of reverence for life
(Click for PDF file.)

Click image for PDF.

Click image for PDF.


Awakening-to-Connectedness Meditative Prayer — Short version
(or pray the prayer of your own heart for the benefit of all life)

With every breath, with every step,
I open my life to beautiful aliveness.
With every breath, with every step,
I deepen my commitment
to nurture the beautiful aliveness
in you,
in all people,
in the Web of Life.

Awakening-to-Connectedness Meditative Prayer — Long version
(or pray the prayer of your own heart for the benefit of all life)


With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life to infinite well-being.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life to beautiful aliveness.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life to radiant compassion.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life to see more deeply into the heart
of everything and everyone around me.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life more deeply
to the creative unfolding of all my abilities

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment to respect, to nurture, to awaken
the well-being of all people and all sentient creatures.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment to respect, to nurture, to awaken
the beautiful aliveness unfolding in everyone and everything.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment to respect, to nurture, to awaken
the radiant compassion yearning to be expressed
in all my brothers and sisters.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment to respect, to nurture, to awaken,
the capacity for transformative understanding
in all my sisters and brothers.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment to respect, to nurture, to awaken
the creative unfolding and full development
of all my brothers and sisters.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment
to nurture and protect the web of life.

Ecstatic Prayer (Audio File)

Mahavishnu Orchestra:  “Oh, Love Supreme”
Wild Rock ‘n Roll prayer chant from 1974



Mute   Volume
Rewind Play
When playing, click progress bar to jump fwd/back.

View as separate page

Shorter meditative prayers:
(or pray the prayer of your own heart for the benefit of all life)

Theist (addressed to God):
With every breath and every step,
I open my life to live in your love.

Non-theist (addressed to one’s True Nature):
May every heart be filled
with infinite kindness,
including mine.

A Radical Prayer Beyond Time and Place:

(A Prayer for All Times, Worlds, Planes, Dimensions: Reincarnation as a part of a larger Incarnation)

As long as there is Life,
Among the many Worlds and Stars,
May I be endlessly reborn,
To serve the cause of Love unfolding,
To be the hands of Love made visible.

Creative Questions for an Awakening Life
(adapted from the work of Vijali Hamilton)

1.  What kinds of beautiful aliveness is life/Earth/the universe wanting to express through me and my unique life?  today…  this year…  this lifetime

2.  What stands in the way, both inside and outside of me, of my expressing more of that beautiful aliveness?

3.  How can I, and how will I, transform those opposing forces or situations, through a creative engagement which includes listening, dialogue, opening-to-learn-from and forgiveness?

4.  How can I, and how will I, nurture the beautiful aliveness growing in everyone? How will I participate in growing beyond war, and beyond the savage inequalities of our present world?

5.  How can I, and how will I, nurture the web of life that sustains us?  How will I participate in protecting the life of the Earth?

For more information on the process of creative questioning, please see the following:

Radical Questions for Critical Times by Sam Keen

Self-Awareness and Exploratory Self-Questioning by Dennis Rivers

Deep Greeen Awakening
Twelve Vows in the Eternal Now 

1. REVERENCE FOR LIFE I open my heart and mind
to consider, delight in, protect and celebrate
the beauty, integrity and well-being
of all life-forms and natural systems:
people of all ages, kinds and races,
animals and plants, lands and seas, rivers and mountains,
which co-exist with me now and which will come after me
into the far future.  
These I take to be my kin,
expressions of the same Heart of Being,
the same Living Universe,
of which my life is an expression.


Offering — ByMeganne Forbes